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    Windweaver Ship    
                                  ON SAILING THE CYBERSEA:
              A Prelude to an Online Search Skills Course   
                                (a metaphorical journey - nine screens)          

  We surf the Web, surrender to waves and are blown by the wind,
   and forget what we are seeking, if we ever knew.  Or wading
   through the waters, we are tangled in seaweed, and wonder,
   where IS the treasure we seek in this cybersea of cyberspace?

      This course is about SAILING the Net, not SURFING the Net.         continue


will not only involve collecting urls and discovering fascinating new
sites; it will also be about learning how to inwardly process, to decide
WHAT to search, WHERE to search, and HOW to search.

This indeed means wanting to THINK,  wanting to learn HOW to THINK
--- how to actively use our minds to achieve specific results, rather than
passively settling for what we stumble upon because we do not clarify
our aims or determine how to achieve them.

In order to search effectively, we have to be able to define what we are
seeking, and at times to choose NOT to become distracted by all the
hundreds of fascinating but irrelevant urls we find along the way.  

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  Since  February 17, 1997,  you are visitor       
  Last updated December 28, 1999